(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)

Enhancing Reading Habits for toddlers (2-3 years) 


Good habits should be taught early! So start reading with your kids when they are young. Yes you can induce reading habit when your kid is a toddler! 

Reading is not just about saying the printed words. There's more to that!

When you read together with your kid(s), make it more interactive and interesting by trying following ideas:

1. Read with your kid daily, even though it's only for a few minutes!

2. Encourage your kid to select his / her favorite book so that you both can read together.

3. Talk to your kid throughout the day about the things that you both do together and also talk about the things that happen around you.

4. Be patient and supportive even if your kid wants to read the same story over and over again.

5. Give paper and color pencils to your kid and let him / her scribble, draw and pretend to write.

6. Use picture books

7. Point to the pictures and encourage your kid to point to the pictures as well.

Here's few sample questions while reading a book with the following pictures:


Isn't this a big Alligator?

Point to the Alligator!

Now wait for your child to point to somewhere near the alligator.


Do you see the elephant?

Point to the elephant.

Wait for your kid to respond.


8. Talk about the pictures

How many animals are there?

Count with your child with both of you using your fingers.

What color is the frog?


Where do dolphins live?


9. If your kid is big enough to understand letter sounds and names, try to enhance it!

Point to A and say This is letter A. Alligator and Apple begins with A.

Can we think of other words that start with A?

How about Aeroplane? Does that start with A sound?

Yes it is!

10. Make sure that your kid is paying attention to you and the story.

One simple technique would be to check now and then to see if your child makes eye contact with you when you are reading the book.

Go to Enhancing reading habits for beginners (General)

Go to Enhancing reading habits for Preschoolers (4-5 years)



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