(Reading time: 4 - 7 minutes)
The Priceless Pearl
The Priceless Pearl


Pearl shook her head: She could not say,--perhaps she did not really herself understand why such emotions were forbidden to her, but the true reason was that if her speaking countenance had ever turned upon a man with that thought in mind the next instant her lovely nose would have been buried in a tweed lapel or grating against a stiff collar.


"You know," Augusta went on, "that I really love Horace; and Mr. Wood took no interest in me, except as a governess for his nieces; but have you never said to yourself, 'There is the type of man whom I could have loved madly if only things had been different'?"


Again Pearl's head wagged. Then she said, "Describe my employer to me."


"Well," Augusta began solemnly, "he has a smooth brown face out of which look two bright-blue eyes like a Chinaman."


Pearl scowled.


"But Chinamen don't have blue eyes," she objected.


"No more they do. Why did I keep thinking of China then? China-blue, perhaps, or maybe the way they are set. I think there is an angle—a little up at the corners. Then his shoulders are broad, or his waist is awfully thin, because his coat falls in that loose nice way, like the English officers who came to lecture at college."

One comment

  • looking fwd to read what happens with Pearl as the governess ;-)<br />Should be funny and exciting I guess.

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