(Reading time: 6 - 11 minutes)


Years passed, the boys were almost finishing the eleventh grade. Siddharth, as usual, showed interest in cricket, rather than his studies.


Based on the coach's request the school started conducting the cricket matches in the school, and Inter school competitions, as well.


In every match, Siddharth's team will win in all the matches and always it’s because of him.


All the school students talk about him and he is became the hero among all the school girls.


Madhu was not happy at all. His marks were going down in averages eighty five percent on the whole, this is not enough to get into medical school.


She was pretty much worried. The principal called her and warned, that he is not paying attention in his studies as they knew that he is a good student.


“I think he is interested in cricket, then why don't you let him choose that as his career?”


“ No sir, even if I agree to it, we need high recommendations to get in to it, so, I’ll try talking to him, sir.”


She came home and spoke to Siddharth,” What happened to

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