(Reading time: 6 - 12 minutes)
The Priceless Pearl
The Priceless Pearl

once said to Dolly under circumstances      described as similar--that no man kisses a girl if he knows it's      really against her will. If you did say that, Mr. Wood, you're      wrong. If a man wants to kiss a girl something in his psychology      makes him feel sure she wants him to. But the loathsome creepiness      a girl feels at having a man whom she doesn't like touching her is      something no man can possibly understand.


     Williams has behaved technically correctly and actually      horridly--saying sourly enough that it was entirely his fault,      that he alone was to blame, but letting everyone see that he feels      I led him on--only that, of course, a gentleman's lips are sealed.


     However, he was instantly shipped back to New York on a slow train      that stops at every station.


     As soon as he was gone Mrs. Conway and I had rather a scene.


     She wanted me to go at once. I said I could not go without your      permission. She finally agreed to let me wait until you had been      heard from. I need not say I shall do exactly as you wish. It will      not be particularly easy to stay after this, but I will do it if      you wish--or go--just as you telegraph.


Whatever Anthony Wood's faults might be, lack of decision was not usually one of them. He folded the letters neatly on his table, took his panama hat from the peg, went to the telegraph office and sent his sister the following message:

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