(Reading time: 9 - 17 minutes)
The Mountain Girl
The Mountain Girl

"I better stay whar I be, I reckon. They won't talk none when they get nigh hyar."


"Are you comfortable down there?"


"Yas, suh."


Hoyle was right. The two men detailed for this climb walked in silence, to give no warning of their approach, until they appeared in the rear of the cabin, and entered the shed where Frale's horse was stabled. Sure were they then that its owner was trapped at last.


They were greatly surprised at finding the premises occupied. David continued his reading, unconcerned until addressed.


"Good evenin', suh."


He greeted them genially and invited them into his cabin, determined to treat them with as royal hospitality as was in his power. To offer them tea was hardly the thing, he reasoned, so he stirred up the fire, while descanting on the beauty of the location and the health-giving quality of the air, and when his kettle was boiling, he brought out from his limited stores whiskey, lemons, and sugar, and proceeded to brew them so fine a quality of English toddy as to warm the cockles of their hearts.


Questioning them on his own account, he learned how best to get his supplies brought up the mountains, and many things

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