(Reading time: 9 - 17 minutes)
The Mountain Girl
The Mountain Girl

tightly around his great work-roughened finger.


"Look a-thar now. See that hand. Hit ain't bigger'n a bumble-bee, an' see how he kin hang on."


"Yes," said David, absently regarding them. "He's a fine boy."


"He sure is. The' hain't no finer on this mountain."


Azalea came and looked down over her husband's shoulder. "Don't do that-a-way, Hoke. You'll wake him up, bobbin' his arm up an' down like you a-doin'. Hoke, he's that proud, you can't touch him."


"You hear that, Doc? Azalie, she's that sot on him she's like to turn me outen the house fer jes' lookin' at him. She 'lows he'll grow up a preacher, on account o' the way he kin holler an' thrash with his fists, but I tell her hit hain't nothin' but madness an' devilment 'at gits in him."


With a mother's superior smile playing about her lips, she glanced understandingly at David, and went on with her cooking. As they came in to the table, she called David's attention to a low box set on rockers, and, taking the baby from her husband's arms, carefully placed him, still asleep, in the quaint nest.


"Hoke made that hisself," she said with pride. "And Cassandry, she made that kiver."


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