(Reading time: 9 - 18 minutes)
The Mountain Girl
The Mountain Girl

"Oh, Cassandra, Cassandra! You're not treating either him or yourself fairly."


"For him—I can't help it; and for me, I don't care. Other women have got along as best they could in these mountains, and I can bear what they have borne."


"But why on earth haven't you told him?"


Cassandra bent her head lower over her bit of lace and was silent. Betty drew her chair nearer and put her arms about the drooping girl.


"Can't you tell me all about it, dear?"


"Not if you are going to blame David."


"I won't, you lovely thing! I can't, since he doesn't know—but why—"


"At first I couldn't speak. I tried, but I couldn't. Then he had to take Hoyle North, and I thought he would see for himself when he came back—or I could tell him by that time. Then came that dreadful news—you know—four, all dead. His brother and his two cousins all killed, and his uncle dying of grief; and he had to go to his mother or she might die, too, and then he found so much to do. Now, you know he has to be a—"


She was going to say "a lord," but, happening to glance down at her open book, the name of "Lord Steyne" caught her eye, and

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