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Teen age care for girls - 04. Teeth


SmileBrush twice regularly. Brush in the morning and at the bedtime.

Plaque is a sticky bacterial film that forms on your teeth. It can cause cavities and gum disease. It is important to fight against plaque. Brushing properly is the best way to get rid of plaque.

While brushing don’t forget to clean your tongue too. Cleaning your tongue is very important for having a fresh breath.

If you are familiar with flossing then floss your teeth regularly to remove the food particles staying in the gum line. Flossing helps to prevent gingivitis, a disease that causes swollen gums.

Bad breath

Bad breath can also be caused by upset stomach, nasal problems or other health issues. But most of the time it’s due to improper brushing or flossing.

So clean your teeth, tongue and gums properly and regularly.

Tooth brush

There are varieties of tooth brush available like hard, medium, soft and extra soft. Select the best option that suits you. Medium or soft should suit most of us.

Make it a habit to replace your brush regularly say after two or three months.

Calcium and fluoride

PasteCalcium is a mineral that helps to toughen up your teeth. So take food items that are rich in calcium like milk, cheese and curd.

Fluoride helps to make your teeth strong and fight against cavities. When you buy a toothpaste, select a paste that has fluoride.


This is the age that you should take care of your teeth. So if your dentist advises you to wear metal braces, don’t feel bad about it. Teasing, taunting etc. cannot go on forever and above all it’s your teeth and you have to take care of it.

If you remain confident and face it off, you are giving your best shot to get a long term sweet smile.

If you wear braces, then it becomes very important to remove the food items that might stick in the braces. Follow the instructions provided by your dentist.

Try to avoid sticky food items like candies. These can get stuck in your braces and might give you more trouble.

Visit your dentists regularly

All being said, experts knows it all! So whether you regularly take care of your teeth or not, visit your dentist on periodic basis.


Good luck for a sparkling smile!

Next episode in this series will be published on 22nd Sptember!

Teen age care for girls - 03. Eyes


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