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Career Tips - 04

Career Tips


If you take the topic communication so many sites are there to help us. But here we are going to discuss about communication in a simpler way. Let's start with what is communication.

What is communication?

The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing or using some other media.

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another.


1. Verbal communication

2. Nonverbal communication

3. Written communication


Uses spoken words to communicate a message. When most people think of verbal communication they think if speaking. But listening is an equal important skill for this type of communication to be successful.


        Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood. Communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become irritated.

        Listening is not the same as hearing whereas listening requires paying attention not only the content but how it is told, the use of language and voice and how the person uses his or her body.


       1. Face the speaker and maintain eye contact.

                  Keep all the papers, pens, notes and mobiles aside which distracts you. Look at the speakers even if they don't look at you.

       2. Be attentive but relaxed

                  Pay attention to speaker. Try to focus on their speech, body language and their mannerism.

       3. Keep an open mind

                   Listen without judging the speaker.

       4. Listen to the words and try to imagine what they are saying.

       5. Don't interrupt

                   While listening to a speech and speaker please don't interrupt in between. When the speaker finishes the speech and when he or she gives you the time to clarify your doubts go ahead with your questions.

       6. Try to feel what the speaker is feeling.

       7. Give the speaker regular feedback

                    If you don't understand the speech just nod your head and give the facial expressions that you are not clear. So that they will give you again to make you clear. If you are clear with the speech just give a smiling face.


                Under the verbal communications comes the telephonic skills. The messages are transferred through telephone also. So basic telephonic etiquette should be known.


Telephone is an important device, with the help of which people separated by distance can easily interact and exchange their ideas. A person should follow a set of rules and regulations while interacting with other over the phone.

     1. Voice should be very pleasant and the conversation should be started with warm greetings like good morning or good noon or good evening depending on the time.

     2. Never call any person at odd hours like early morning or late night.

     3.  In official calls don't use words like "any guess, who am I?"

     4. Make sure your content is crisp.

     5. After dialing always confirm whether the person on the other side is the desired person whom you want to call. For example just ask "Am I speaking to Mike?"

     6. Never put the second party on very long hold.

     7. While interacting with other don't chew or eat anything.

     8. Always speak each and every word clearly. After completing the conversation don't just hung up the receiver. Just recon firm whether they understood the information clearly and also end up the call with a warm bye or take care or have a nice day or nice speaking with you.


Includes body language, gestures, facial expressions and even postures. When we are in an official meetings and if we are not interested with the speech our facial expressions will make others to understand our feel, body language will also show you.


It is essential for communicating complicated information. Transferring the details through emails, letters, books, magazine, internet, etc.


Career Tips 03

Career Tips 05 


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