(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)

Child Safety... To the attention of parents... 


Being a mom of a six year old kid, I was shocked to read about the recent report on the sexual assault of a first grade kid in an elite school in Bangalore.

The world around us is changing and hence it is important for us also to plan to fight against the evil...

I am listing down few points that struck my mind.

1. It's important to teach the "Good touch" and "Bad touch" to your children. Spend some time with your children to teach them about it.

2. Make sure that your children are also conscious about their dress. We assume that everyone looks at our small kid as a 'small kid' but now we know that that's not the case.

3. Teach home address and telephone number to your children.

4. If your child has to interact with a third person regularly like a van / auto driver, collect all relevant details about the person. Also personally help your kids to board the auto / van / bus. Never assume that your kid will know the correct vehicle.

5. Daily spend time with your children and listen to what they say. This will help you to understand about the people (teachers, driver and everyone else) they meet daily in their routine.

6. Above all maintain a good rapport with your kids! We work hard and over time for our family! What else is more important than our kids?

Please share your inputs too. Let's make this world safer for our children.


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