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Jokes - Anusha

Put your wife in a room & lock it.

Put your dog in another room & lock it!!!

Open both rooms after 2 - 3 hours & see who is Happy to see you, and who will BITE you! 



Site members are advised not to try this at home as these stunts were performed by professionals; who are now divorced; and living happily with their dog!!


Do not laugh loud ---- wink

The extended version says...

Put your husband in a room & lock it.

Put your dog in another room & lock it!!!

Open both rooms after 2 - 3 hours & you will be happy to see your dog waiting for you... but you'll be angry looking at your husband sleeping like he never slept before!!!


Always keep your spouse’s picture as mobile screen saver.

Whenever you face a problem, see the picture & say: "if I can handle this, I can handle anything!"… Superb Attitude for Life!


If wife wants husband’s attention, she just has to look sad & uncomfortable.

If husband wants wife’s attention, he just has to look comfortable & happy.


A Philosopher HUSBAND said:- "Every WIFE is a ‘Mistress’ of her Husband…

 “Miss” for first year & “Stress” for rest of the life…"!!!! 


Million Dollar Truth:

If Saturday and Sunday does not excite you, then change your Friends.

If Monday does not motivate you, then change your profession.

If Monday is too exciting, and you are dying to get to work, then you should change your spouse!


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