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Health Tip #7 - Positive Health Test - Sandiya

Do you know how healthy you are? Take our Positive Health Test and find out!

For each of the 25 questions given below, answered "Yes" or "No". Then, count how many questions you have answered "Yes" to and give yourself a score out of 25. (For example, if I have answered "Yes" to 16 questions, my score is 16/25.)

All The Best!!!

  1. I get 6-8 hours of sleep at least 5 days a week.
  2. I drink 8-10 glasses of water every day.
  3. I don't paint after climbing two flights of stairs.
  4. I can comfortably touch my toes without bending my knees.
  5. My BMI value is in normal range.
  6. My blood sugar levels are normal.
  7. My lipid profile is within the normal range.
  8. My waist size is in the safe range.
  9. Fruits are a part of my daily diet.
  10. Salads are a parts of my daily deit.
  11. I don't get stressed much.
  12. I engage in outdoor activities at least once a week.
  13. I get enough time for myself and my family.
  14. I don't usually have complaints of stiffness, aches or pains.
  15. I don't have any difficulty falling asleep.
  16. I can do 5 push-ups comfortably.
  17. I don't eat out more than once a week.
  18. In a day, I spend less than 8 hours sitting.
  19. I can sit cross- legged with my back straight for 15 minutes.
  20. I don't gey tired easily.
  21. I spend at least 10 minutes a day claming my mind through prayer, meditation, etc.
  22. I don't suffer from any chronic aliments
  23. I engage in recreational activities at least once a week.
  24. Frozen, instant, reheated or fast food is not a part of my regular diet.
  25. I eat three meals a day, at regular interval.

Check how you did!! If you scored between:

    20-25 -----> Kudos, you're at the top!

    15-19 -----> Not bad, you just made it!

    10-14 -----> Uh oh, better watch out!

      0-9  -----> Seriously, put on your running shoes....NOW !!

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