(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)

Shared Read - Quotes - RaVai


Life is difficult. Once we truly see this truth we transcend it.


What makes life difficult is the process of confronting and solving.


Problem is a painful one. Yet, it is in the whole process of meeting and solving problems that life has its meaning.


Nothing travels faster than the light whose speed is about three lakh kilometers per second.


Knowledge is a dividing factor. It creates growth. Love is uniting factor. Love is sharing the process of growth. It is the expansion of heart to contain all the divisions of the head.


Ignorance is knowledge, unbegun! It is bliss! Awareness is knowledge ended and it is all bliss. In between there is knowledge and it is a burden confinement. Knowledge is concentration and Awareness is restoration!


Known may induce fear, because it is known. But the fear of unknown is meaningless, but people suffer from the unknown which is illogical.


The problem of the whole world is one of identification, to mean the shirt is myself!


Nicest wear is natural smile!


To escape from responsibility, billions of people escape from freedom!



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