(Reading time: 1 minute)

 Lost in a bid to win
I succumb slowly
to your whims and fancies!!
Is it not you again
who promised days of peace...
Broken promises add to days
that only stain my cheeks
with salty trails of tears...
Burning nights with unslept dreams
I toss around crevices of bedsheets
to get lost into deep sleep!!
Yet, it doesn't happen to me
that will soothen my bulging heart!!
Pains rule my night and day
Still I hope redemption is not far away!!


  • Your words are so encouraging for everyone who writes here. Appreciation from fellow writers and readers gives the best motivation to a writer.
  • Wav! Dear Kalaiselvi madam! It is revealing that you are too good in both Tamil and English!<br />Poem is excellent, with chosen words, deep emotions and soul-stirring responses! Go ahead! You write more for your own joy than for others' appreciations! You let out your feelings through poems! I enjoy reading them all without exceptions! Hearty congrats!

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