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Laali’s Jungle Tales - 05

Laali's jungle tales

Little Laali loves to watch animals. But she gets hurt when she sees them in cages or in zoos as prisoners. So she often goes for jungle safari with her parents to see her beloved animals in action. During such visits, she learns useful life lessons too.

The Teeter Tiger

In one such visit Laali saw a tiger.

It was very hungry.

So it decided to hunt its food.

The tiger looked around.

It saw two deer.

The tiger was very hungry, so it thought that it should get both the deer.

The tiger started to chase them.

The deer started to run.

After a little distance one deer took a right turn while the next one took a left turn.

First the tiger chased the deer, which took the right turn.

Same time the tiger noticed the next deer, which was running away very fast.

The tiger thought if it would chase the right deer alone, it would lose the left one.

So immediately it started chasing the left one.

Then the right one looked like slipping away.

So the tiger changed its attention to the right one.

At the end, both the deer escaped whereas the tiger happened to go hungry.

Life lessons:

On seeing this Laali said, Mom now I know why I should take one step at a time.

Mom replied “it’s true dear, on the other hand, if you take one step at a time you can climb a huge mountain too that is you can achieve big things too. 

Laali's Jungle tales - 04

Laali's Jungle tales - 06



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