(Reading time: 11 - 22 minutes)
The Mountain Girl
The Mountain Girl

She nodded. When David came out, he found her still seated there, her head resting wearily against the rough tree. She rose and came toward him.


"I thought I wouldn't leave until I knew if there was anything more I could do," she said simply.


"No, you've done all you can. She'll be all right. Where's your horse?"


"I walked."


"Why did you do that? You ought not, you know."


"Hoyle rode the colt down to see could Aunt Sally come here for a day or two, until Miz Belew can do for herself better." She turned back to the house.


"Come home now with me. Ride my horse, and I'll walk. I'd like to walk," urged David.


"Oh, no. Thank you, Doctor, I must speak to Azalie first. Don't wait."


She went in, and David mounted and rode slowly on, but not far. Where the trail led through a small stream which he knew she must cross, he dismounted and allowed the horse to drink, while he stood looking back along the way for her to come to him. Soon he saw her white dress among the glossy rhododendron leaves as she moved swiftly along, and he

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