(Reading time: 6 - 12 minutes)
The Priceless Pearl
The Priceless Pearl

announcing that he was interviewing candidates the next morning before he took his train, and would send her the best.


"I'm sure it's very kind of you to take all this trouble, Tony," she said. "Don't send me anyone too hideous, will you?"


"Griggs describes the young woman I have in mind as of pleasing appearance."


"That means perfectly hideous."


"You wouldn't want a prize beauty, would you?"


"Certainly I would. I like to have lovely things about me. I suppose you think that's idiotic."


He assured her that he never thought her idiotic--at least not unintentionally--and went on to obtain the famous pledge--the promise that she would keep the governess he sent her until his return in September. She agreed finally, partly because it was getting late and she was sleepy, partly because she reflected that there were more ways of getting rid of governesses than by sending them away.


"I'm so sleepy," she said, yawning, "and yet I don't quite like to go to bed until Antonia comes in."


"Antonia?" said Wood. "I thought she went to bed at nine."


It appeared that Antonia had formed the habit lately of

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