(Reading time: 4 - 8 minutes)
The Priceless Pearl
The Priceless Pearl


Albertson melted with pity for that sweet young creature as he detailed the growing mass of evidence against her: The burglaries in Southampton since her coming; the fact that she had insisted on having the combination of the safe; the fact that Mrs. Conway had locked the pearls in the safe and that only Miss Exeter had gone to the safe afterward; the mysterious appearance of Miss Exeter in Mrs. Conway's room during the night before the robbery, and, of course, her alias.


It had been largely a matter of form, Mr. Albertson said--the sending of his men to look up her record. It had been a shock to them all to find that the agency which had originally sent Wood the names of governesses could offer proof that their Miss Exeter had married and gone to Canada. So far they had not been able to get any information as to this woman who had slipped into her place. Some of her things had a P on them. Mr. Albertson mentioned that there was a notorious English thief--Golden Polly or Golden Moll.


"She's called by both names," said Mr. Albertson. "This girl answers her description very good."


Wood nodded. Had he in fact been getting a daily letter all these weeks from Golden Moll? The idea intrigued him not a little.


"I think I'll go and have a talk with her," he said.


"By all means, by all means," said Mr. Albertson. "We've just

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