(Reading time: 11 - 22 minutes)
The Mountain Girl
The Mountain Girl

with his handkercher like he'd had enough with his ploughin'. You can nigh about beat him, Cass. Hisn didn't look no better'n what yourn looked."


"Here, you young rascal you, come down from there," cried David. Catching him by the foot, which hung far enough over to be within reach of his long arm, he pulled him headlong from his high position and caught him in mid-air. "Now, how shall I punish you?"


"Ye bettah whollop him. He hain't nevah been switched good in his hull life. Maybe that's what ails him."


The child grinned. "I hain't afeared. Get me down on the ground oncet, an' I c'n run faster'n he can."


"Suppose I duck him in the water trough yonder?"


"I reckon he needs it. He generally do," smiled Cassandra from the doorway. "Come, son, go wash up." David allowed the child to slip to the ground. "Seems like Hoyle is right enough about you, though. Don't go away up the hill; bide here and have dinner first."


David dropped on the step for a moment's rest. "I see I must make a way up to my cabin that will not pass your door. How about that? Was dinner included in the rent, and the mule and the mule's dinner? And what is Hoyle going to pay me for allowing him to ride Pete up and down while I plough?"


"Yas, an' what are ye goin' to give him fer 'lowin' ye to set his

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