(Reading time: 5 - 10 minutes)


What will he do if you don’t fix it?”

“He is threatening of complaining about it to the police… Ofcourse he is not just talking about this incident, he is also talking about the debts….”


“If he registers his complaint then it will be very difficult to run the home…”

“How much should Jaya ma’am pay him?”

“It’s in some lakhs Subha…. We are worried about fifty thousand… We can’t even think about repaying the debts for now…”

“But why did Jaya ma’am borrow such a huge amount from him?”

“No she didn’t borrow any money… This monster bought the company from Rajeev sir’s family…. Hence even this property belongs to him now… Rajeev sir used to support Jaya ma’am’s cause a lot and that’s why he let her start the home here… He even promised to donate this property for the home… But unfortunately he died, before making any formal arrangements….”

“Oh I see…”

How can a person be so unkind? Can’t this kids pretty faces melt his stone heart?? Thought Subha…

“Subha I need a small help from you…”

“Tell me Suji…”

“Jaya ma’am is very depressed… I can’t leave her like this before Malar comes here… Can you go and meet this Baskar and try to change his heart???”

“Me??? But Suji….”

“Please please Subha… Who else can I reach out for help other than you??”

“ok ok… Give me the address…”

“I will get it for you… His home - office is in the outskirts of Chennai… Please be careful…”

“I will manage, don’t worry…”

Shivani knocked the door and asked,

“May I come in sir…?”

Her voice was very soft… She was slightly trembling inside…

After hearing a roaring yes, she went inside… She could see anger in his eyes… What’s now??

As if to justify her fear, Baskar greeted her with rude questions…

“Do you have any brain? Is this the way you write a letter??? Do you have any common sense???”

Traces of tears appeared in Shivani’s eyes.

Sarathy, Baskar’s senior personal Manager who was seated opposite to him, tried to cool him down.

“Sir, typos do happen… you can talk to her and tell her about her mistakes…”

“No Sarathy… Why should I???” scorned Baskar and again turned towards Shivani.

“Hey idiot, correct these mistakes and get me the letter immediately…”

“But sir…”

“I don’t want to hear your explanations, go correct it and bring it back…”

Shivani got the paper and left the room with tears in her eyes.

She returned back in fifteen minutes with the corrected letter.

Baskar almost got the paper forcefully from her hand and checked the content carefully.

“Good… This looks fine… You can go now…”

“But sir…”

“I said you can go now…”

“Sir, why don’t you listen to what she has to say?”

“Sarathy! You might be an elder person but remember you are just my manger and I am your boss….”

“Sorry… sorry sir…”

“That’s ok… But don’t do the mistake of advising me again….”

Baskar looked at Shivani…

“Why are you still here?”


“I asked you to go and start typing my next letter…”

“But sir…”

“No buts, just do what I told you to do…”

“I need not do it sir, because I am quitting….”

“What?” asked the shocked Sarathy, while Baskar looked at her scornfully.

“Yes, I am quitting this job… Here’s my resignation letter… I can’t take this insults and scolding any more….”

Shivani started walking back…

“One minute…”

Baskar’s voice stopped her… She turned around…

“Why is your resignation letter dated last Friday?”

“Because I decided to quit long before and wrote that letter last Friday itself…”

“Now I know the reason for the mistakes in your letters… Sarathy, when you settle her account make sure you consider her last day as last Friday… I am not running a non-profit organization here for you to come here like a picnic and relax…”

Shivani gave a cold stare at him and left the place in disgust.


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